Hecate was a little worried, John hadn't done anything to harm her yet and that was strange...but good. That however was not what was worrying her, the thought nagging in the back of her mind was that he might find someone who wasn't so broken to be with, and the small feelings she was beginning to kindle for him would be extinguished, once again, she would be passed aside and used. Although, she hoped above anything else, she would be right to trust her heart in this situation.
"I suppose that might be alright." she stated with a small smile "I hope...I hope that one day we might be able to experience a proper version of this embrace but...not just yet."
As soon as she heard that they would have to be exclusive to each other, Hecate blinked and drew herself into her memories, sometimes, even though she didn't want to be intimate with people they had done so with her permission. It didn't always work in the manner where she can pick and choose what happens to her, but, otherwise she would be willing to try.
It was the idea that he would have to touch her that made her relaxing gaze tighten again, her golden eyes that had been so molten and pliable after the sex were now becoming harder and less giving. Hecate realised she needed to be pushed, to get to any semblance of normal, but it didn't mean she had to like it.
"That would be okay, yes." Hecate hummed with a small nod "But, while you push me, if I tell you to stop will you promise me you will? If you promise then, I suppose I might be able to try what you suggest."