Shiori raised an eyebrow when he complained about getting lime juice on duty to drink, and she couldn't help but be...offended. He had been with them for a good few weeks on the ship, but that should not lessen the fact that without her, and without the crew he would be dead on an isolated island with no hope of getting his ship back in a long while.
He was refusing and complaining about her hospitality. It rubbed her the wrong way.
"Yes that is what my people drink. I do not tolerate drunken states while my crew are working, you should be familiar with that concept by now." she stated looking at Kenway with a soft frown on her features, it was rather a confused frown tinged with hurt "We do not stock rum on this ship so you may not have what we do not have ourselves. Since my current hospitality is not good enough for the great and mighty Kenway, you may have a measure of the rice wine we have below."
Gritting her teeth Shiori clenched her firsts before calming back down again, letting them relax and curl out of themselves;
"When your debt to me is paid! A life for a life Kenway, when you save my life, then you can leave. That is my custom. My countries way however I can see that such honour is not kept amongst the people of the West. Leave whenever you please, I want no person such as you in my crew. You would think I treat you badly, are you not fed? Are you not watered? Are you not alive and cared for? Yet you are so quick to throw my hospitality back in my face!"
Sitting down at her desk Shiori sighed and placed her head in her hands, before taking a sip at my tea; "My patience has limits Kenway, while on this ship you are still my crew. See to it you behave until we reach Havana, then do what you please with yourself."